
Innovation could be a new idea, a creative thought, or a modern imagination in the form of a device or a method. Let’s ask ourselves whether I would be an innovator?

When does someone innovate?

Innovation could be by an idea, by being inspired, or even by mistake. Let’s briefly look at this:

Idea: Alan Turing was quoted in 1947, “What we want is a machine that can learn from experience,” and that the “possibility of letting the machine alter its own instructions provides the mechanism for this.”. Yes, you read it right, it’s 1947. Half a century later, today, name any streaming partner or technology giant, everyone is into machine learning. Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Netflix know your preferences more than any other human being might not be a hyperbole. That’s what a fresh idea can bring on.

Inspired: Sometimes, people or organization gets inspired by an already existing product/ thought and develop them further. It is said that Microsoft Windows was broadly based on the interface designed by Apple and, in turn, which was broadly based on the interface developed by Xerox way back in the ’90s. Though the base idea was someone’s, some manage to get inspired and bring an all-new product. What matters in innovation is the timing and delivery.

Mistake:  There are several occasions where what was invented was not intentional. Spencer Silver accidentally developed an adhesive that’s not strong enough to permanently hold; this went onto become a post-it note. Today it is one of the essential office stationery. Similarly, X-rays, Microwave, Velcro, Teflon, and so on were accidentally invented.

What is considered as innovation?

You all go in awe when Apple or Google introduces a new gadget. You are amazed by Tesla’s electric vehicle. But is innovation all about science and technology? Controlling fire is an important step that led us to handle darkness and find protection. Compass led us to explore new places. Wheels made travel simple. Ice creams brought fun overloaded. The list will keep growing, most of them are not science or technology.

Donald Weder is said to hold 1,400 patents. Guess what he holds the patent for? Floral and decorative packing. He fills birthday parties and wedding celebrations. There are plenty of lesser-known inventors/ innovators who are not Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Do not restrict your mind to mean that innovators are of a different league. Your parents, friends, colleagues could be an innovator in one way or other. Even a small change in the existing process is innovation.

Innovation could be anything – a simplification tool, or could even be a process improvement. It could be related to a food product or a rocket launcher, it’s all innovation.

When can you innovate?

You must look for a change and work towards making things better or more efficient. This is the first step towards innovation. But you must open up your mind to bring in ideas. You must work on the 3 F’s principle to generate ideas:


Learning is a never-ending process. Continue learning and keep feeding your minds. As you keep learning, your mind opens up with fresh thoughts. Continuous learning will awaken you from inside. So feed with knowledge and information to open up your mind.


Ideas flow when the mind is unoccupied. Identify your free time in the mechanical life you live in. Do not ask me how? It’s simple. Table your activities and time spent in a day, take mandatory activities into consideration and do the math. Else find your own method of identifying free time. You will always be able to find time for the ones you prioritize. I’m sure you will find your time to open up your mind and let the ideas flow.


The human mind throws millions of thoughts in a day. You must start streamlining your thoughts. Open up your mind and find a deeper sense of what you are looking for. Finding a more profound understanding will also help you work on such thoughts and develop them into an action plan.

Feed your minds, let the ideas flow, and find the deeper sense. Innovate.

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